Falls Creek Property Owners Association will hold a special meeting on March 25, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom for all property owners.
Last year property owners expressed concern about Airbnbs. The Board conducted a survey on whether Falls Creek property owners want to regulate Airbnbs and similar short-term rentals. The results showed support for (1) prohibiting the use of properties solely for short-term rentals while (2) allowing “homestay” Airbnbs in which the property owner remains in residence while using only part of the house as an Airbnb.
Besides the restriction of Airbnbs to “homestays,” our covenant and bylaws are decades old and need to be cleaned up and updated.
The board will present proposed covenant and bylaw changes. We will vote on the proposed bylaw changes at the meeting. The vote on the proposed covenant changes will take place by mail later.
We need participation by the entire Association to make this process work. We encourage everyone to attend the special meeting.
If you have questions or comments, contact a
Board member.Agenda items will include the following.
- Call to order, introduction, determination of quorum
- Review of proposed changes to bylaws
- VOTE on proposed changes to bylaws
- Review of proposed changes to covenants
- Description of later mail-in vote on proposed changes to covenants
- Rules
- Adjournment
We have delivered/mailed a packet of information which includes a cover letter, meeting agenda, bullet points summarizing the proposed bylaw changes, the proposed new bylaws, the current bylaws, bullet points summarizing the proposed covenant changes, pros and cons for adopting the PCA (Planned Community Act), the proposed amendment to the covenants, the original covenants, and rules/regulations. If you need these resent, please contact
If you are not able to attend the meeting and would still like to vote, please
print a proxy form and return the completed form to a board member prior to the meeting.